Lower Secondary

Students entering years 7 – 9

When moving into the Lower Secondary level of their school progress, students enter in years 7 – 9. Project-based learning now changes to a more skills and content focused curriculum as students are slowly prepared for the Upper Secondary International General Certificate in Secondary Education.

Outline of the Cambridge Lower Secondary Curriculum

Subjects taken at this stage remain as compulsory as students navigate through the same eleven subjects taken in the primary phase, these include:

Core Subjects:

1. English

  • Focuses on developing key skills in reading, writing, speaking, and listening.
  • Emphasises comprehension, analysis, and effective communication.
  • Encourages a wide reading of various genres and styles.

2. Mathematics:

  • Covers number, algebra, geometry, measure, handling data, and problem-solving.
  • Develops logical reasoning, analytical skills, and the ability to apply mathematical knowledge in real-life situations.
  • Encourages students to explore mathematical concepts through practical and theoretical approaches.

3. Science:

  • Encompasses biology, chemistry, and physics.
  • Develops scientific inquiry skills, including experimentation, observation, and analysis.
  • Encourages understanding of scientific concepts and their application to everyday life.

Additional Subjects:

4. Cambridge Global Perspectives:

  • Focuses on developing critical thinking, research, and collaboration skills.
  • Encourages students to explore global issues from multiple perspectives.
  • Promotes skills such as evaluating information, making informed decisions, and communicating effectively.
5. ICT (Information and Communication Technology):
  • Develops skills in using digital tools and understanding the principles of ICT.
  • Covers topics such as computer systems, software applications, and digital citizenship.
  • Encourages the use of ICT to support learning across all subjects.

6. Languages: Modern Foreign Language (Mandarin Chinese)

  • Offers options for studying additional languages, depending on the school’s offerings.
  • Emphasises language acquisition, cultural understanding, and communication skills.
  • May include modern foreign languages like French, Spanish, German, or others.

7. Humanities (Global Perspectives):

  • Geography: Covers physical and human geography, environmental issues, and geographical skills.
  • History: Focuses on historical events, periods, and themes, developing skills in analysis and interpretation of historical sources.

8. Arts:

  • Includes subjects such as Art and Music
  • Encourages creativity, self-expression, and appreciation of the arts.
  • Develops skills in various artistic techniques and media.

9. Physical Education (PE):

  • Focuses on physical fitness, sports skills, and promoting a healthy lifestyle.
  • Encourages teamwork, leadership, and personal goal-setting.
  • Offers a range of physical activities and sports.


  • Formative Assessments:
    • Regular assessments to monitor progress and provide feedback.
    • Includes classwork, homework, quizzes, and project work.
  • Summative Assessments:
    • End-of-term or end-of-year exams to evaluate overall understanding and mastery of subjects.
    • Cambridge Progression Tests and Checkpoint Exams at the end of Lower Secondary to assess readiness for Upper Secondary education.

Curriculum Framework:

  • The curriculum is designed to be flexible, allowing schools to adapt it to local contexts and needs while maintaining rigorous academic standards.
  • Provides detailed learning objectives and outcomes for each subject.
  • Encourages active learning, critical thinking, and the development of transferable skills.

Supporting Resources:

  • Comprehensive teaching materials, textbooks, and digital resources aligned with the curriculum.
  • Professional development and training opportunities for teachers.
  • Access to Cambridge Lower Secondary resource libraries and online support.

Global Perspectives Component:

  • Encourages interdisciplinary learning and understanding of global issues.
  • Involves research projects, presentations, and collaborative work with students from other schools or countries.
  • Develops skills in research methodology, analysis, and presentation.

Language Development:

  • Focuses on both first and additional languages, recognizing the importance of multilingualism in a globalized world.
  • Includes structured language development programs that cater to varying levels of proficiency.

Educational Goals:

  • To build a solid foundation of knowledge and skills across a broad range of subjects.
  • To prepare students for the academic challenges of Cambridge Upper Secondary and beyond.
  • To develop well-rounded individuals who are capable, confident, and prepared for lifelong learning.

The Cambridge Lower Secondary curriculum provides a well-rounded, internationally benchmarked education that equips students with the knowledge, skills, and understanding needed to succeed in their future educational endeavours and in the global community.

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